Populist electoral strategy

As Sorel foresaw, an energising but controlling social myth was created and deployed, but it was not that of the general strike, nor was it composed by the middle-classes, it was certainly not done in a salubrious way, & rather than uniting us, it divided us: the myth of freedom. 

Reliving masculinity

Savagery must rise. Individuality and diffuse cultural heroes warp modern attempts at the revival of true virile experience.

Roman Interpretation & Folk-Art

Perhaps from amongst a healthy people uplifting stories will naturally occur, but we are no longer a healthy people. Therefore our Art — our Myth — must be salubrious, it must be moralising to us, and this must be consciously done.

What is Noble Identity?

We are told excruciatingly that our identity is inferior, or ridiculously that it does not exist; we are undergoing an erasure the likes of which only occurs during the ultimate downfall of an empire. And so our identity must be set out every chance we get.

Immigration as war

We need to redevelop a sense of national self-defence.  The responsibility of our government and our Security Services has historically been, and should always be, that which is good for our people.

Become a community organiser

Meaningful change—good and ill—has never occurred at the ballot box, but comes through pressuring the government to enact change, such as labour and civil rights movements, or war.  Do not continue to vote for the "lesser of two evils", which is simply one of the system's two faces, or wait until a saviour "worth voting for" arises, or throw up your hands and exclaim that a collapse or war is the only way things will change.  Instead, direct your efforts towards local action to improve your community and your group of friends.